Veselé Vianoce!

Vážení zákazníci, aj medzi vianočnými sviatkami a Novým rokom vám budeme k dispozícii. Pozrite sa prosím na podrobnosti, aby ste zaistili nákup u RS včas.

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Lešticí vřetena

Polishing pigtails allow you to transfer the power from a bench grinder or drill to take a polishing or finishing mops. The tapered nose is easily attached to the power source, then the buffing wheel screws onto the tapered nose. It tightens up once the motor is switched on. It's important that you select the correct fitting side, as you want the pigtail to tighten when in use and not loosen. <...

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Leštiace vreteno, Kužeľovitý, priemer drieku: 5,9 mm, 15.8mm
Skladové číslo RS: 488-5653Značka: RS PRO

€ 15,34

Each (bez DPH)

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