Technické dokumenty
DymoFunguje s modely tiskáren
400 Duo, 400 Turbo, 400 Twin Turbo, 450 Duo, 450 Turbo, 450 Twin Turbo, LabelWriter 400
Podrobnosti o výrobku
Accessories for Dymo LabelWriter 400 Range
Starter kit: Contains 2 x standards address labels, 2 x large address labels, 1 x large lever arch file label, 1 x suspension file, 1 x shipping/name badge and 1 x spare roll spool. (DYMO 400 LABEL WRITER IS NOT INCLUDED),CD label starter kit: Contains 2 x CD/DVD label rolls and applicator.
Supplied with
Software, power adaptor, USB connection cable, roll of address labels and cleaning card.
Dymo Desktop
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Technické dokumenty
DymoFunguje s modely tiskáren
400 Duo, 400 Turbo, 400 Twin Turbo, 450 Duo, 450 Turbo, 450 Twin Turbo, LabelWriter 400
Podrobnosti o výrobku
Accessories for Dymo LabelWriter 400 Range
Starter kit: Contains 2 x standards address labels, 2 x large address labels, 1 x large lever arch file label, 1 x suspension file, 1 x shipping/name badge and 1 x spare roll spool. (DYMO 400 LABEL WRITER IS NOT INCLUDED),CD label starter kit: Contains 2 x CD/DVD label rolls and applicator.
Supplied with
Software, power adaptor, USB connection cable, roll of address labels and cleaning card.