Logitech Optical Mouse

Skladové číslo RS: 198-520Značka: LogitechČíslo dielu výrobcu: 910-000133
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Podrobnosti o výrobku

Pilot Optical Mouse

Affordable optical performance from Logitech, the optical technology experts.

Smooth, high-definition optical performanceNo moving parts ensure greater reliabilityTilt Wheel Plus Zoom is perfect for viewing digital photos and navigating spreadsheets; instantly zoom in and out, scroll horizontally and vertically Does not require a mouse-mat

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Logitech Optical Mouse


Logitech Optical Mouse
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Technické dokumenty


Metoda sledování myši


Podrobnosti o výrobku

Pilot Optical Mouse

Affordable optical performance from Logitech, the optical technology experts.

Smooth, high-definition optical performanceNo moving parts ensure greater reliabilityTilt Wheel Plus Zoom is perfect for viewing digital photos and navigating spreadsheets; instantly zoom in and out, scroll horizontally and vertically Does not require a mouse-mat